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EPISODE 140: A Very Potter Senior Year (Act 2, Part 2)
w/ Sequoia Simone

Sequoia Simone (@Sassquoia) from Fanatical Fics continues the discussion of StarKid's A Very Potter Senior Year Act 2! Topics include: the enemy of my friend is also my enemy, Slughorn dunks, Sorcerer’s/Philosopher’s stone, pronouncing the T in Voldemort, Midnight Sun, cul-de-sacs, ice cream sodas, Harry Potter World, HP fandom making fun of self, the Wright brothers, Butterbeer rankings, and more!

EPISODE 139: A Very Potter Senior Year (Act 2, Part 1)
w/ Sequoia Simone

Sequoia Simone of Fanatical Fics and Where to Find Them joins to talk A Very Potter Senior Year Act 2! Topics include: Late Night TV hosts, The Final Battle, Hogwarts enrollment, Dora - the one Latina, juicing a mandrake, Rule 34-a, Dark Luna, fanfic tropes, Gilderoy the Mouse Prince, anime, the key to Mike’s heart, Tom Roddollver, NOPE, deranged rambling, and more!

EPISODE 138: A Very Potter Senior Year (Act 1, Part 4)
w/ Eric Silver

Eric Silver (@el_silvero) is back to conclude the coverage of AVPSY Act 1! Topics include: Instagram influencers, anime tournament series, second sorting, #SleepyHouse, sexy singers, British classism, plaid shorts, dicks ruining everything, antisemitism, tragic backstories, Wizards of the Coast, divorcing the work form the author, basilisk po' boys, and more!

EPISODE 137: A Very Potter Senior Year (Act 1, Part 3)
w/ Eric Silver

Multitude's Eric Silver is back and is ready to talk more of StarKid's A Very Potter Senior Year! Topics include: Jake Taylor, Tumblr, getting old, ripoff Disney shirts, lol I hate my wife and kids "jokes", self-aware criticisms, Me and My Dick, The Vagina Monologues, and more!

EPISODE 136: A Very Potter Senior Year (Act 1, Part 2)
w/ Melissa Anelli

Melissa is back and we actually talk about a good chunk of the play this time! Don't worry, behind-the-scenes stories are still here too. Topics include: A Very Potter Documentary, booing Blurred Lines, Darren Twist, Pat Brady Stan Account, penologies, fedoras, REBECCA, stopping spoilers, 50 Shades of Gray, and more!

EPISODE 135: A Very Potter Senior Year (Act 1, Part 1)
w/ Melissa Anelli

Mischief Management's Melissa Anelli returns to share loads of behind-the-scenes info about how AVPSY actually came to be at LeakyCon 2012. We also address JKR's tweets and how we all can respond as a fandom. Topics include:  big hotel suites, Robert Durst, Mike's original plan for Potterless, Evanna Lynch, The Dark Knight, underrated Ron, Beyonce’s respiratory system, cool jackets, New Jersey Molly, and more!

EPISODE 134: A Very Potter Sequel (Act 2, Part 2)
w/ Anna Brisbin

Anna Brisbin (@BrizzyVoices) is back again to close out our coverage of A Very Potter Sequel! Topics include: The Marauder’s Map's Z-axis, Red Vines semis, soft pianos, Pat Brady: Master of Puppetmasters, Dementor dance breaks, BTS ARMY, puberty, Kylo Ren, Jack Thorne cramming, fight choreography, The Big Red Book of Drawing, Luna, The High School Musical Extended Universe, and more!

EPISODE 133: A Very Potter Sequel (Act 2, Part 1)
w/ Anna Brisbin

Anna Brisbin (@BrizzyVoices) joins to kick off the discussion of A Very Potter Sequel Act 2! Topics include: the audience loving Red Vines, Hagrid's absence, LOTR director’s cut, Greek Life, Muscle-Gro, Twilight, Dementor juice, Snape's voice change, candy consumption, Smarties, RAB, holding hands, muggle quidditch, and more!

EPISODE 132: A Very Potter Sequel (Act 1, Part 2)
w/ Tessa Netting

Tessa Netting (@tessanetting) is back for more AVPS coverage! She brings to the table an incredible Alan Rickman story, Mike brings a lengthy tangent about MySpace. Equally great, right? Topics include: Snape impressions, deep voices, old memes, Paramore, puppets, XANGA,, editing yourself, Potions Master’s Corner, and more!

EPISODE 131: A Very Potter Sequel (Act 1, Part 1)
w/ Tessa Netting

Tessa Netting of Fantastic Geeks joins to talk A Very Potter Sequel. Since she is FREAKING ENGAGED TO THE ACTOR WHO PLAYS SNAPE, she gives a ton of behind-the-scenes info. In addition to generally praising AVPS, we address the distasteful Umbridge portrayal and share the earnest apology by the writer. Topics include: Cursed Child stealing from StarKid, Red Vines, pantomiming, vampire John Lennon, Ravenclaw is New Hampshire, Scarfie, The Dark Knight, Lin Manuel Miranda, Piglet, and more!

EPISODE 130: A Very Potter Musical (Act 2, Part 2)
w/ Dr. Hannah McGregor

I PROMISE THIS ONCE IS NICER TO AVPM. Dr. Hannah McGregor from Witch, Please! joins to talk more of A Very Potter Musical Act 2, finding more moments she enjoys and articulating why some elements aged so poorly. Topics include: the 4th wall, Pixie Stix, low budget humor, Lauren Lopez’s prowess, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, LOST, Neville: The Chosen One, Les Miserables, Darren Criss’ little hop, making fun of musicals, the great ending, wholesome feminist values, Space Jam, Back to the Future, and more!

EPISODE 129: A Very Potter Musical (Act 2, Part 1)
w/ Dr. Hannah McGregor

Dr. Hannah McGregor told Mike long ago that she hates A Very Potter Musical. Now, she joins to cover the first half Act 2 and explain her frustrations with the production. Don't fret, though! Mike gets her to admit many aspects of it are great! Topics include: pitchforks, YouTube vloggers, High School Musical, the 90s Bulls, wigs, the Pulitzer, Spiderman 3, Canadian money, Vancouver food, funny bits of business, breaking wands, large props, Zac Efron, and more!

EPISODE 128: A Very Potter Musical (Act 1)
w/ Julia Schifini

THE WAIT IS OVER! WE'RE FINALLY COVERING A VERY POTTER MUSICAL! Julia Schifini, a big StarKid fan, joins to cover the first act with Schubes! Topics include: college improv, 2009 humor, Hufflepuffs are good finders, Mike's favorite characters, laughing at yourself, Ocean’s 11, Ghostbusters, Humanizing Voldemort, stumbling into success, Figment the Imaginary Dragon, The Fuck Bugles Snack Corner, BTS ARMY, homecoming mums, Squirt, and more!

EPISODE 127: Cursed Child - The Broadway Impact
w/ Gordon Cox

Variety's Gordon Cox, host of Stagecraft, lends his Broadway expertise to explain what it was like when Cursed Child record-setting opening, its star-studded production team, and its recent struggles. Topics include: The Lyric Theater, Former Barns, Moulin Rouge, American Idiot, The Summer Blockbuster of Broadway, pretending to know stuff in a conversation, 2Playz, The Staircase Ballet, and more!

EPISODE 126: Cursed Child - Act 4
w/ Leah Cornish

Mischief Management's Leah Cornish joins to defend Cursed Child's honor by talking Act 4 and arguing that it's actually good! Topics include: negligible negligence, Weasley Soup, a case for Ron, shower arguments, angst for breakfast, the SATs, lizard brain Harry, Paul Rudd, Ron: The Michael Scott of improv, the Defiled Conception, Rodolphus: Ultimate Cuck, Death Note, Alpius, and more!

EPISODE 125: Cursed Child - Act 3 (Part 2)
w/ Johnny Frohlichstein

Johnny (@johnnyfrohl) is back to dunk on Cursed Child again, and this one gets SILLY. Topics include: cheesy lines, Emotional McGonagall, chess, Duddy's Cubs, bad cop bad cop, the ultimate "Shut Up, Craig!", absurd rhyme schemes, Kingdom Hearts, Star Wars, rebirthing laughter, an 80s gift store, and more!

EPISODE 124: Cursed Child - Act 3 (Part 1)
w/ Johnny Frohlichstein

Johnny joins to dunk all over the dumpster fire that is the first half of Act 3 of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child! Topics include: Voldemort day, The Scorpion King, GRANDFATHER, kick me signs, Nazi LeBron James, Craig Bowker Jr., Snape marrying Voldey, Umbridge disappointment, time travel rules, and more!

EPISODE 123: Cursed Child - Act 2
w/ Proma Khosla

Proma Khosla (@PromaWhatUp) returns to talk more Harry Potter and the Cursed Child! Topics include: The New York Times Paywall, shipping Dean and Seamus, casting Mike as Ludo Bagman, JK’s return to Twitter, gaits, Zut Alor, Uncut Gems, Ludo & Charlie, portrait inconsistencies, THE PANJU RANT, Croaker’s law, Back to the Future, and more!

EPISODE 122: Cursed Child - Act 1
w/ Proma Khosla

Proma Khosla of Mashable joins to discuss the plot of first half of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Part One! Topics include: themed children, ableist language, the N train, Emo Albus, Shitty Amos, fresh bread, the fucking trolley witch, Oliver Wood sports sections, T9 Word, and more!

EPISODE 121: Cursed Child - The Playgoing Experience
w/ Kelly Beckman

Emily McGovern (@EmilysCartoons) returns to talk deleted scenes from the last two Harry Potter movies and answer some questions about My Life as a Background Slytherin! Topics include: Scottish stereotypes, Ron and Harry fanfic, Hermione's flirting game, French accents, Filch: a Meditation on Capitalism, the Slytherin aesthetic, literacy of wizards, Roald Dahl, and more!

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